“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
– Mother Teresa

The WordLoveWorldLove Project connects Canadian children with children in developing countries, who have been impacted by crises. A global classroom exchange of messages of friendship and compassion, provides an opportunity for children to use their creativity and imagination to better understand one another. Through the simplicity of words, expressed in art and film, children discover they can affect change in their own lives and the lives of others.

“That’s where things will really change in the world when children find and understand that they can really make a
– Erica Krutzen, Art Therapist


The WordLoveWorldLove Project Goals:

  • demonstrate the value of words and creativity in their power to heal and affect change
  • illustrate children empowering children in global classrooms
  • promote art as a universal language
  • support literacy initiatives in education
  • encourage tolerance by promoting understanding of other cultures
  • explore the power of compassion and communication in addressing global social issues through literacy, art and media.
  • create awareness of important issues children are faced with and their determination to overcome them.